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Pavel Pudakov

To ensure we only bring you top quality guides and articles, SafestBettingSites.co.uk works with genuine expert gambling writers with many years of experience in the industry. Here are the authors who produce all the content you see on our website.

Ian Bruce Ian Bruce
60 Articles
Peter Addison Peter Addison
51 Articles
Liam Austen-Rondi Liam Austen-Rondi
32 Articles
Pavel Pudakov Pavel Pudakov
1 Articles
Pavel Pudakov

Pavel dedicated seven years to Kindred, contributing to their flagship brand Unibet, before joining Safestbettingsites.co.uk in 2024. Armed with an MBA in Marketing, Pavel serves as a Senior Editor, meticulously overseeing content to uphold factual accuracy. Committed to fostering responsible gambling practices, he underscores the significance of setting limits and making informed decisions, prioritizing a secure and enjoyable gambling experience